Amanda Finn

Photo of Amanda Finn
Chicago, Illinois
DePaul University, Ripon College
Disney Parks, European Adventures, Travel Hacks
  • So far, Amanda has been to 20 countries and 27 states.
  • Their favorite places visited so far include Prague, Hong Kong, Dublin, Costa Rica, and Sydney.
  • Amanda is a firm believer that travel makes us better people and tries to learn at least a little bit of a language anytime they visit a non-English speaking country.


As an avid traveler, Amanda had no problem falling headfirst into travel writing. They love to write about things like unique experiences or highlighting personal adventures in a new way. In that time, they have written a little about a lot for outlets like Yahoo, American Theatre, Chicago Reader, Via Travelers, and more.


Amanda has an M.A. in writing, rhetoric and discourse, a certificate in women and gender studies and a B.A. in English, theatre, and film/media studies.
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Stories By Amanda Finn