You Won't Find A Single Stop Sign On Your Vacation To Paris And Here's Why
Most European cities have timely and convenient public transport. Public modes of transportation work well in cities, and in between them, fast trains cross multiple borders in one trip. This makes exploring Europe easier for locals and tourists alike, especially for visitors who may not know the intricacies of driving a personal vehicle in a foreign country. For example, drivers in the United Kingdom and Ireland drive on the left side of the road. Additionally, the Autobahn highway in Germany is both famous and infamous for its high speeds.
Paris has some unique customs when it comes to transportation as well. The French capital has street lights and pedestrian crosswalks comparable to those in the United States. However, upon close examination, you will realize that there are no stop signs in Paris. Instead, Parisians follow the rule stating that the driver on the right has the right of way (or priority). Most main roads in Paris are priority lanes. Look for yellow diamond signs to know when this rule is in place.
The lack of stop signs seemingly does not hinder Parisians
It may seem difficult to drive in a city where you must simply hope that all drivers know that the vehicle on the right has the right of way. Or maybe you might be worried that some drivers will comprehend this rule yet choose not to comply. However, despite the absence of a sign indication, priority passing for vehicles on the right has not turned Paris into a car crash hotspot. In fact, severe and fatal road accidents occur less frequently in Paris than in London and Rome.
Using a courtesy rule aside, driving in Paris is hectic. But how could a city that densely populated not be? Common issues regarding getting around in Paris with a vehicle include people driving too close to the car in front of them, speeding, and overall aggressiveness. On the plus side, drunk driving is taken quite seriously in France. A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Public Health states that France sees fewer car crash fatalities caused by drunk driving than the United States.