Travel Expert Patricia Schultz Reveals The Clever Packing Expression She Lives By

Being a fashionista and a travel fiend rarely go hand in hand. When preparing for a big vacation abroad, it can be so difficult to limit what you pack, especially when you're traveling to trendy cities like Milan or Paris and you want to look your best for every occasion. Trust us: you will regret stuffing seven dresses, 12 slacks, and 15 pairs of shoes into your suitcase when you have to drag that suitcase over Europe's notoriously unforgiving cobblestones! Should you opt for bringing only a carry-on (and you should in order to avoid those costly checked luggage fees), you might struggle to choose which outfits to bring and which to leave at home. Luckily, travel expert Patricia Schultz, author of the New York Times bestseller "1000 Places To See Before You Die," has a solution. 

Speaking with The Sydney Morning Herald, Schultz gushed about the popular expression "pack half the clothes and twice the money," telling the outlet you should lay out on your bed all the outfits you want to bring, but only pack half. Travel blogger Ben Nickel-D'Andrea agrees with this method, telling The New York Times, "Fully get rid of the 'just in case I need it' category." He added that the "twice the money" part of the saying will come in handy if you've forgotten something because you can always just buy what you need. Need more advice on how to pack light but stylish? Schultz has you covered.

Pack outfits you can re-wear

Patricia Schultz reminds fashion-conscious wanderlusters that no one will call fashion police if you *gasp* re-wear an outfit. "It sounds flippant but are you ever going to see these people again?" she said to The Sydney Morning Herald. If you're worried about getting bored by the same clothes, she recommends layers and accessories to mix and match. "I bring a dozen scarves so they can dress it up in different ways." Anne McAlpin, author of "Pack It Up: The Essential Guide to Smart Travel," agrees, telling Travel + Leisure that the best way to pack light is to only pack outfits that will serve your daily activities, so she suggests you write out your itinerary and pack according to that. "It sounds so simple, but I've been doing it for 30 years," she said. "It starts to put things in order."

Planning ahead is key for Schultz, who told The Mercury that she always packs layers because "Climate change is real!" She added: Check the weather in advance, as well as the day before your trip. And always bring a small and super light umbrella." However, when it comes to shoes, experts are divided. Schultz told The Sydney Morning Herald that you should only bring "two pairs of shoes, never three!" Yet McAlpin allows for a maximum of three pairs. Shoe-lovers, pick your poison.