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A Helpful Tip To Feel Safer When Traveling Through An Airport With Kids

The airport can be a stressful place for adults, let alone children. There is a ton of noise, lights, travelers rushing around, and people in uniforms. You have to follow many rules, from taking off your shoes and jackets, depending on your age, to emptying water bottles and so much more. That can be a lot for a little one to take in. Similarly, with so much going on, it can be challenging for young people to understand who does what and what the rules are. It's also easy for them to get overstimulated and, in some cases, lost. 

We have a tip to make flying with kids easier and safer for all of you: Let them know which official does what at an airport and who to go to in an emergency. While this hack is primarily a safety measure to help manage any unanticipated situation, it also serves as an educational activity designed to teach them about the world around them. 

Making the airport a friendly place for kids

At the airport, point out people in uniform and tell your kids what these workers do. Similarly, explain why airport staff checks IDs. A pat down can be disconcerting, even for adults. So, before you arrive, explain to the children that TSA agents sometimes have to touch you for security reasons. Talk to them about people who check your boarding pass, baggage handlers, and the customer service representatives who help you if a flight is canceled. If it's not busy and you see someone willing, take your little one to them for an introduction. But most importantly, point out the uniformed personnel to go to if they get lost. 

It's also a good idea to equate this new environment to something they're familiar with. Clarify that the people who keep you safe here are not dissimilar from police and firefighters. Compare rules to ones they already know, like crossing the street when the light says you can. It's worth picking up or visiting a library to find an age-appropriate book about airports before you go, like "Richard Scarry's A Day at the Airport." Finally, check to see if your airport has a comfort dog to pet, which can greatly help.