Soar Over Beautiful Landscapes At This Thrilling US State Park

Hiking to a trail's summit leads to breathtaking views. Flying over a place on a sunny day also brings about gorgeous sights. Hang gliding, one of the best adventurous pursuits for those who hate hot weather, gives you the best of both worlds and lets you take in majestic aerial views outdoors. It's a niche but incredible sport worth getting into if you love activities that get your heart pumping and adrenaline rushing.

For those with experience in hang gliding, Hyner View State Park in North Bend, Pennsylvania, is the ideal location. When you visit this beautiful state park, you can soar high above the tree-covered mountains and the Susquehanna River. For those who don't have experience, there are several spots for you to pause and watch the hang gliders fly through the air like birds in the sky. Set up a picnic and make a fun afternoon at a summit. Children will be thrilled, and adults can admire the dedication to such a sport.

How to hang glide in Hyner View State Park

If you're ready to embark on your next hang gliding adventure at Hyner View State Park, you'll want to get a membership with the Hyner Hang Gliding Club. It's the only authorized club for hang gliding in the state park. You can apply for a $30 monthly membership that lets you fly and camp at any Hyner sites during that month or a $100 annual membership that allows you to fly and camp at any of those sites throughout the year. Plus, you can vote during club elections. To qualify, you must already be part of the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association and achieve H2/P2 pilot status. There's also paperwork you must complete and sign.

Once you submit your application and get accepted, you'll be ready to sail on the breeze. "The area below the overlook is not only free of trees, but it has launch locations in several directions, so long as the wind has a component coming from the west we can always launch straight into it," Hyner Hang Gliding Club President Brian Vant-Hull told the Centre Daily Times. "Combine this with the beautiful view and a combination camping and landing strip near the river, what more could you ask for?"

What to do when you can't hang glide

If you don't have your qualifications or know how to hang glide, you can still have a great time in Hyner View State Park. The air isn't the only place to take in sweeping views; the park is situated on a mountaintop that lets you see the river and trees for miles. You'll even find charcoal grills and picnic tables at the summit, making it the perfect place to slow down, grab a meal, and enjoy the sights. The park sprawls out for 6 acres, meaning you'll have plenty to explore.

If you want to see hang gliders, check out the Hyner Hang Gliding Club calendar to plan your visit around its events. It has "fly-ins" during Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day holiday weekends each summer. Other fun outdoor adventures in the park include kayaking, tubing, fishing, and hiking. While you won't be as close to the hang gliders when you're on the river as on the mountain, you'll still be able to witness them and their epic flights.