Keep Everything Kids Need To Stay Entertained On A Road Trip Close With This Hack

One of the biggest conundrums on family road trips is how to keep the kids entertained during long stretches of driving. Planning for entertainment mitigates the inevitable question, "Are we there yet?" For many parents, the prospect of keeping kiddos entertained for hours in the car can seem daunting. But it doesn't have to be.

Parents want to make a road trip memorable and fun for everyone involved, so it's imperative to keep the magic alive for kids, even when they're in the backseat of a car. Luckily, there are many simple yet effective hacks to keep kids busy during long drive days. And we've got another one that should help make your road trip so much easier as kids keep themselves busy while you drive. Just fill a backpack with fun stuff to keep the young ones occupied and hang it on the back of the car seat in front of them.

Attach a backpack full of activities to the back of the front seat's headrest

This road trip hack for entertainment is incredibly simple but useful for long trips, and it doesn't require any additional shopping. We all know that cars can get incredibly messy and chaotic during road trips, where books and toys go missing in the fray. Before your next road trip, pack one or two backpacks full of everything that will keep your kids entertained. Fill them with their favorite books to read, plus coloring books with some low-maintenance art supplies. (A road trip is not the time to crack open a watercolor paint kit.) Source out a few favorite toys that spark imaginations. If you have older kids who love DIY bracelets, fill a resealable plastic bag with everything they need to get creative on the road. 

Once you've filled the backpack, simply attach it to the headrest of the front seat of the car, so that kids can easily reach into the backpack while you're driving. This keeps everything entertaining in one place and allows kids some autonomy in the backseat, as they decide how to spend their time. The easy access to entertainment — and screen-free entertainment at that — means that you'll all get more peace in the car.