Have A Stress-Free First Night Of Your Vacation With This Packing Hack

The first night of vacation can be incredibly draining. Whether you're taking a red-eye flight or driving until late hours, you'll most likely be exhausted when you check in at your hotel or Airbnb. Anxious to hit the hay, unpacking is probably the last thing you'll want to do. Yet, you may find yourself digging around your suitcase for your toothbrush and pajamas, as you impatiently throw around garments in the process. Clothes strewn on the floor, you may be frustrated to have started off your trip on such a tense note.

Fortunately, there's an easy way to reduce this initial stress — it just requires some forethought. The next time you go on a trip, pack your suitcase with your itinerary in mind. What time will you be arriving at your destination? Do you have any activities planned for the next morning, or can you sleep in? Use these questions to guide you when you put together your first night kit, which should only contain the items you absolutely need for — you guessed it — the first night. However, you may need to add a bit more to your kit depending on your schedule. Either way, this packing hack will keep you calm and orderly, making for a fuss-free vacation from the get-go.

Consider all of your essential toiletries

For starters, you'll want to consider what personal care items you'll need on the first night of your vacation. What toiletries are a part of your bedtime routine? Marie Kondo, author of "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing," said to The New York Times: "I recommend keeping a separate toiletry kit for traveling." Use that kit to store all of your essential nighttime toiletries, like a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, and any prescription medications. Tossing in a couple first-aid supplies, such as Band-Aids and pain relievers may also be a good idea.

Having an efficient packing strategy can alleviate stress. Unless you need items like makeup and perfume for the first night, pack those in a separate pouch. Sorting your toiletries with packing cubes can keep these smaller belongings neat and organized. Whether it's skincare items or hair products, split up your toiletries by category. This will save you a lot of trouble when you finally unpack.

Pack your first outfit on top

In addition to keeping all of your essential toiletries on hand, place a pair of pajamas on top of the rest of your items inside of your suitcase. After a long day of traveling, you'll probably want to go to bed immediately. Avoid the hassle of shuffling through your luggage when you arrive at your destination. Depending on your schedule, it may also be useful to keep another outfit easily accessible. If you have an activity set for the next morning, plan accordingly. Going hiking before sunrise? Make sure you have the appropriate shoes in plain sight. Heading to the beach for an early morning swim? Keep your bathing suit and towel visible. However, if you don't have any plans for the following morning, keep things simple by sticking to a first-night kit of your pajamas and toiletries.

Now, what should you do if you're landing at your destination in the morning or mid-day? Perhaps you have a wedding to attend within mere hours of your arrival. In that case, your "first-night" kit should consist of your outfit and any other belongings you'll need to get ready for the big event. Whether you're headed to bed or a fancy gathering upon arrival, opt for convenience when packing for your trip — it'll give you major peace of mind.