The Top Three International Cities To Visit If You're Broke, According To TikTok

There's a common misconception that you have to have a lot of money to travel around the world. However, there are plenty of incredible destinations out there that offer low-cost accommodations and activities. If you already live in an overpriced city as is, it's even possible that you may pay less for food and entertainment while on a trip. Or, if not, there's a chance you break even while you're away. Now, of course, this isn't the case for every getaway.

If you want a stay at a luxury resort or a trip to one of the world's most bougie cities, (we're looking at you Paris, Aspen, etc.), you're going to have to drop some cash. But, if you're more interested in experiencing a new, beautiful culture and landscape, there are a few European cities in particular that are perfectly affordable and TikTok approved. The line-up of these budget-friendly cities includes Prague, Czech Republic, Antalya, Turkey, and Vienna, Austria.

Visit Prague and Vienna

First up on her recommendations, TikTok creator @simplyyykatie suggested you book a trip to the Czech Republic and stay in the beautiful capital of Prague. From just the quick snippets compiled into her TikTok, you get a glimpse at some of its stunning, gothic architecture. At first glance, you might assume she was visiting some historical sites or museums. But, nope. That's just how everything in Prague looks. Nomadic Matt suggests taking advantage of free walking tours, and if you're looking to save on food costs, hit up locations outside the main areas of the city. @simplyyykatie also mentioned that the flights and the nights out are inexpensive. If you want a fairytale stay but don't have the bank account of a king or queen, Prague is the perfect getaway.

In addition to Prague, Vienna, Austria is an excellent option for those looking to save some cash. Tons of artists have waxed poetic about this enchanting little city, and there's good reason for it, as you'll see when you stroll along the beautiful Baroque-influenced streets. And, if you get tired of walking along the Danube River, there are plenty of museums to visit in Vienna. Most importantly, @simplyyykatie emphasizes that it hosts a number of very high-end, low-cost hostels with rooftop pools.

Check out Antalya, Turkey

Another incredible, budget-friendly city that @simplyyykatie includes in her TikTok is Antalya, Turkey. Located on the Southern coast of the country, this city is being discovered by more and more tourists as a hidden gem. Right now, it's considered the fastest-growing city in the country. With a plethora of stunning beaches and a vibrant cultural center, it has plenty to offer. @simplyyykatie suggests that the best time of the year to visit Turkey would be the off-season. She explains that the weather is still nice and the flight prices go way down.

Not only can you hit the beaches and explore the city's culinary scene, but you can also visit its waterfalls and take trips to the local mountains, as well as explore the many ancient ruins around the area. The best part about these wonders is that they're either free or very low-cost. You don't have to break the bank to get an incredible vacay.