Rope Swinger Dies From Fall On Corona Arch
A young man died tragically on Sunday while trying to recreate an increasingly popular stunt—rope swinging through the 110-foot high Corona Arch near Moab, Utah.
Kyle Lee Stocking, 22, was a native of the Salt Lake City suburb West Jordan. He was with five friends when the accident happened. While setting up the swing, Stocking made the rope too long. When he jumped off the arch, he fell to the ground. The impact killed him, according to Lt. Kim Neal of the Grand County Sheriff's Department.
Although county deputies, search and rescue personnel and paramedics responded to the accident, Stocking was pronounced dead at the scene.
The internet video below, called "World's Largest Ropeswing," helped popularize this dangerous feat. The video went viral after being posted in February, 2012 and has since collected more than 18 million views.
The Utah Trust Lands Administration has tried to discourage this dangerous activity by banning commercial jumping. However, the agency can't prevent private parties from using the land.