Get Paid To Travel: 11 Adventurous Jobs For Bored Nine-To-Fivers
It's just about every traveler's dream to see the world for free, or better yet, to get paid to travel. Who wouldn't want to be flown to exotic destinations or around the U.S. and stay on someone else's dime? It certainly sounds like a dream come true, but some travel jobs are better than others. [slideshow:1107]
Traveling nurses and pilots make the most money on average, but both require formal training and preparation, whereas farmers who travel abroad regularly make little to no money, but have their meals and overnight accommodations taken care of by the host farm. The vast majority of travel jobs won't make you rich, but for those truly interested, the travel perks are just about all the motivation they need.
For those driven by adventure, with a severe case of wanderlust, we've compiled a sampling of jobs that will pay for you to travel.
Destination Wedding Photographer
The only thing better than being paid to photograph a happy couple's wedding day is being paid to travel to a tropical island and photograph their special day. Though this travel job certainly takes some major skill, training and requires quite a bit of equipment to start (camera, computer, editing software, ect.), once you get going it can be a lucrative and unique way to see the world.
Great job for: skilled photographers.
Cruise Line Worker
The kinds of jobs available on cruise ships are as varied as the destinations they visit. Jobs you'll find on any ship range from housekeeping, bartending and babysitting to ship officers and the Captain. Even the lower paying jobs include housing and meals and though you might be working on a tight schedule, you'll see many exotic locations.
Great job for: Friendly, flexible people who love the ocean.
Click here to see more adventurous jobs for bored nine-to-fivers.
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