Feature Friday: Do It For The Cupcakes

Every Friday we chat with one of our blog content network contributors to find out what most inspires them to be fit and find adventure every day.

This week we're chatting with Courtney from Run for Cupcakes.

Courtney is a 20-something runner currently living in North Carolina. Her running journey is unique in that one day, she simply just decided to start running. One year after she began, she crossed the finish line of her first half marathon and she recently finished her first full marathon.

Read on to find out what about running really inspires her, the  important lessons she's learned through her journey and what quote the sport inspired her to get tattooed on her foot!

The Active Times: How did you first become involved in running?
Courtney: One day I was laying in my bed eating Reese cups and I looked out my window and decided to do something more productive with my time. I threw on my running shoes right then and there. I could barely make it a mile when I started, but I never stopped trying. Now I'm a marathoner!

What are the wisest words you ever heard about running?
Races are the celebration of all the hard work you have put into training.

What spurred you start your blog?
As I got more serious about running I started reading running blogs more and more. One day I decided it was time to start my own!

Describe in 140 characters or less how you judge the success of your blog.
I have met so many friends and learned so much from my blog. That is a huge success in my book!

What is the greatest joy you get from running?
There is no better feeling than crossing a finish line of a race. To know that your hard work paid off and that you just did something you never thought was possible.

What's one thing many people don't know about running?
It really is fun! Most people think it's awful and call runners crazy. Once you catch the running bug it will never go away.

What's the biggest challenge you've had to overcome while running?
Self doubt.

What is the one mistake you've learned the most from?
Not fueling enough during my long runs. I have crashed and burned so many times.

What advice would you give to someone trying running for the first time?
I know this is cliche, but take it one step at a time. You have to want it, and it will happen!

What is the one piece of kit or equipment you'd never be without?
My foam roller. I probably wouldn't be able to walk without it!

If money were no object, what piece of kit or equipment would you buy?
Can I say a lifetime supply of my favorite running shoes?

What is the one book everyone should read about running?
I read Born to Run and couldn't put it down! It was so interesting

Who do you think is the most inspirational figure in running?
I'm love Shalene Flanagan. She is so down to earth and such an amazing runner!

Are you passionate about any activities besides running?
Nothing will be the passion I feel for running, but I do enjoy playing tennis for fun and I'm a total bookworm.

What is your favorite quote, and what do you so like about it?
"She believed she could, so she did." When I first started my running journey and told everyone that I wanted to run a half marathon they did not take me seriously. I was all on my own in that journey and it was up to me and only me to motivate myself to go out for those training runs. Crossing that finish line of my first half marathon was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I love this quote so much I have it tattooed on my foot!

What is top of your bucket list when it comes to running?
Like many other runners, my dream is to BQ and run the Boston Marathon.

What, if anything, did you most recently knock off your bucket list?
I just completed my first full marathon!

What is your least favorite word, and why?
Skinny. I cringe at that word. Strong is the new skinny.

What would your life be like without running?
Boring and passionless. I can't imagine my life without running.

Where is your favorite place to be?
Outside on a porch with a good book and a cup of coffee!

Learn more about Courtney at RunFor-Cupcakes.com