TikTok's Top Tips For Preventing Seasickness On Your Next Cruise

There are few things worse than an unexpected illness to ruin a holiday. Whether it's catching a stomach bug from something you ate, or coming down with a fever from a random virus, getting sick while traveling can easily dampen any experience. Now, imagine getting seasick on a cruise ship when you have nowhere else to go and there's no dry land in sight. It's pretty much what travel nightmares are made of.

If you've ever felt queasy out at sea, you're not alone. Seasickness can affect around one in three people at least once during a cruise. On top of this, there are also a lot of external factors that will impact everyone differently — from the size of the ship to the duration of the trip, to the route. All this to say: You never really know when seasickness is going to strike or if you'll be one of its unlucky victims.

Luckily, though, TikTok has come to the rescue. With dozens of videos related to the topic currently available on the platform, experienced creators are sharing their best tips and tricks to prevent and even cure seasickness while sailing across the ocean. All so you can go back to living your best life, cocktail in hand, as the horizon shrinks before your eyes.

Nip seasickness in the bud

Preventing seasickness is always better than trying to deal with it. With this in mind, there are things you can do before you even board the ship that'll help you keep seasickness at bay. The first tip, courtesy of user @ship_facts, has to do with choosing the right room on the ship. Ideally, if you're worried seasickness might be an issue, you'll want to book a cabin in the middle of the ship on a lower deck. Bonus points if you can select a room with a balcony, as the fresh air can also help reduce the symptoms.

Meanwhile, TikTok user @thelifeofacruiser suggests that a great way to avoid feeling seasick is by getting up and staying active. Moving around will help take your mind off the swaying motion and ease the feelings of discomfort as they start to appear. They also recommend getting your hands on either nausea wristbands or scopolamine patches, which most people refer to as "behind the ear" patches. While the wristband uses acupressure to relieve symptoms, the patches correct any natural imbalances and block signals to the brain that are to blame for seasickness.

Give your body what it needs

Food is another great way to combat seasickness. Even if it sounds counterintuitive to eat before you board, keeping food in your belly will help keep things settled. User @covertrip recommends eating green apples because they're packed with pectin, a fiber that helps neutralize the acids in the stomach. Other popular choices include bananas, bread, or rice — and staying far, far away from spicy or fatty foods.

And if in spite of all the planning and trying you still happen to get sick on a cruise, there are added measures you can take to feel as comfortable as possible while the seasickness subsides. Some of the most recommended tips include taking over-the-counter medication like Dramamine, lying down with your head pointed toward the bow, drinking lots of fluids, avoiding strong smells that might trigger nausea or vomiting, and watching the horizon. The last tip is especially important since picking a stable point to watch will help reset your equilibrium — and potentially alleviate the disorienting effects of motion sickness for good.