The Simple TikTok Tip For Making Sure You Pack Everything You Need For Your Trip

Maybe you're headed on a long vacation that'll have you out of your place for weeks, or maybe you're going on a weekend getaway. Whichever it is, you'll need to pack. You can make a general packing list and cross off items as you put them in your bag, or you can just toss whatever you think you'll need into your suitcase and hope you've got everything covered. Both of these methods will get your suitcase full, but each leaves room for forgetfulness. Maybe you forgot to write toothpaste on your list and now you have to run to a store to pick some up, or maybe when you were choosing shoes you forgot a pair of flip flops to use as shower shoes. Once again, you've created an extra, inconvenient outing for yourself.

We have a tip for you that can help jar your memory as you pack, and decrease that chance of forgetting something important. If you pack by room rather than ticking off items from a general list, you're more likely to remember everything. 

Tackle packing room by room

Reframe the way you pack with this packing strategy from TikTok organizational specialist Kayleen Kelly that takes you on a tour through your home. Rather than bringing everything to one room all at once, tackle it room by room. Start by entering the bathroom, for example, and taking all of your needed toiletries and putting them in a pile. Think of everything you normally reach for and add it. Take a second glance to make sure you didn't miss anything. Maybe you catch sight of a shampoo bottle tucked away in the corner that you would've forgotten had you not been in the space. Once you're finished in the bathroom, move onto the next room, be it your bedroom for clothes or your kitchen for prescriptions and snacks.

If you have the time and space, you can take it a step further by emptying out entire cabinets and drawers. Removing everything enables you to find that which was hidden behind other objects that you otherwise would've missed. Obviously, you won't be packing every single item, but rather discerning which you'll need and which you'll eventually put back.

Double check, then check again

When going through rooms and making your piles, don't forget to look in places where your belongings could be hiding. Under the bed and deep in drawers are spots you might find something you need. Before you leave each room, do one final spot check to ensure you have everything. Similarly, you'll want to double check your final packed suitcase and make sure you haven't left behind anything super obvious. Some of the most commonly forgotten items are brushes, medicines, sunglasses, and snacks, so don't forget to add them to your piles, and eventually, your suitcase.

If you're using these suggestions, you have to give yourself time so you can look thoroughly and pack efficiently. This method is significantly more difficult when you're pressed for time, especially if you're taking the extra step of emptying out cabinets and drawers. With that being said, be sure to give yourself extra time to put everything away so you're not left with a big mess after packing.