The Easy Packing Tip That Will Make Your Travel Day Less Stressful

If you've been planning the perfect vacation, there's nothing more exciting than when departure day finally rolls around. After weeks of anticipation and planning, it's finally time to embark on your adventure. You've verified your flight time, confirmed your hotel and rental car reservations, and checked in with your travel companions. But somehow, even with all the planning and excitement, departure day never seems to run smoothly. 

If you're always wildly running around the house packing last-minute and feeling like you're forgetting something, you're certainly not alone. Packing for a trip can be incredibly stressful. According to a 2021 collaborative study between TrunkClub and OnePoll, 65% of Americans have difficulty packing, and many wait until the last minute to begin. So, even if you're packing light, do yourself a favor and have those bags packed the day before your trip.

If you're waiting until the very last minute to pack your bags, you aren't doing yourself any favors, and you're more likely to forget something crucial. Travel can induce anxiety, which can disrupt your daily routine and thrust you into the unknown. It can also cause sleep disruption and unexpected travel delays, so don't let packing add to the stress. You certainly won't be able to control every outcome while you're journeying, but you can manage your level of preparation before you depart.

Packing early helps your travel day start off smoothly

Pack your bags in advance, and you'll be amazed by how calm, cool, and collected you'll feel heading to the airport. This is especially true when you didn't spend your final hours at home digging through the laundry, looking for your favorite jeans. 

To help yourself stay on track so you can be packed and ready to go the day before, it's best to have a packing strategy. Consider making a packing list in the weeks leading up to your trip. Your list should include all essentials like toiletries, clothing, shoes, medications, travel documents, and any electronics you want to use during your travels.

Making a list ahead of time will make it easier to quickly and efficiently pack your bag the day before you leave. When it comes time to organize your bags, check each item off the list as you place it in your luggage to ensure you don't forget anything crucial. Once you're finished, zip up your bag and place it next to the door so you're ready to rock when it's time to head out.