Create A DIY Phone Holder To Make Using Maps During Your Next Road Trip Easier

Road trips require thorough planning, both in terms of your destination and route, but also in regards to equipping the interior of the car. In some ways, this is nearly as important as planning where you'll go, because let's be honest, a big part of a road trip is the journey itself. Because of this, hacks and tips to make the ride more enjoyable are worth their weight in gold. For instance, a plastic cereal dispenser makes for the perfect garbage can on the road. Just line it with a small, plastic garbage bag and you're good to go. It's nice to have strategies like this in place to keep the vehicle clean and mess-free because you don't want to get overwhelmed on a long trip by a messy interior. For that reason, we also suggest keeping your trunk clean and organized while you travel.

A big part of road trips is also using your phone, whether you need it for directions or to play music, podcasts, and audiobooks. For safer driving and ease of use, we've got a simple way to make a phone holder that'll make it a cinch to use in the car. All you need is a binder clip and a rubber band.

How to create a DIY phone holder

To make an effective phone holder for your car, all you need is a large binder clip and some elastic bands. It's good to choose a binder clip where the silver wire handles have rubber tips so that they don't scratch your phone when it's in place. If not, you can also pull out the wire clips and line them with a strip of paracord, hot glue some cushioning onto them, or wrap them with a small piece of fabric and slip them back into the body of the binder clip. You may even want to use pliers to bend the tops of the handles so that they curve inwards and are able to grip your phone more securely.

Add elastic bands at the base of the wire handles to create reverse tension and clip it to a vent in your car, where it's easy to see while driving. Then place your phone between the two wire handles to hold it securely in a horizontal, landscape position. And there's your easy phone holder.

Other ways to smartly use your phone on a road trip

Your phone is an essential part of a road trip because there's so much it can do for you. Not only is it your GPS, but it's also basically your computer and trip planner. You want to make sure you're utilizing it to its utmost. One brilliant hack is to change your lock screen to your essential information in case you lose your phone on your trip. In your Notes app, write out your name, an alternative phone number, and your email address, plus any other contact details you may want to add. Take a screenshot of this information and make it the image on your lock screen. This way, if you lose your phone and someone finds it, they can reach you about retrieving it.

Plus, make sure you have an extra phone charger in the car, in case you accidentally pack your primary one in your suitcase and can't access it while it's in the trunk. It may also be a good idea to have a car charger with multiple USB outlets, so that you can charge several devices at once.