Lauren Jade Hill

Photo of Lauren Jade Hill
London School Of Journalism
Luxury Travel, Adventure Travel, Consumer Travel
  • Lauren has traveled to all seven continents, lived and worked in five, and explored around 70 countries.
  • She has spent more than a decade as a travel journalist, writing for some of the world's top travel publications.
  • Luxury and adventure travel are both specialisms of her work, with her love for wildlife and the outdoors often shining through.


Lauren first embarked on her career in travel journalism while living and working in Japan and spent the years after graduating from university traveling, living, and working around parts of Central and South America, Asia, Australia, and the Caribbean. She worked across a number of publications while living in Singapore and London before going freelance full-time. Travel highlights from recent years include exploring the Okavango Delta in Botswana and sailing around the Indonesian archipelago of Raja Ampat off the coast of West Papua.


Lauren earned a post graduate in journalism from the London School of Journalism.
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Stories By Lauren Jade Hill