The Best Planning Tip For Making Sure You Cover Everything On Your Next Trip

From booking flights to making sure you don't pack too much, planning a trip can be overwhelming. It can be even more so if you're visiting a destination you've never been to before. While it's exciting to research and plan a trip, it's also easy to go down a rabbit hole. If your list of things to do and see keeps growing, try sorting the activities into either must-haves or nice-to-haves.

Is there an attraction you really want to see? Or perhaps there's restaurant you've been dying to dine at? Put them on your must-have list. If you can get to everything, that's great. But this way, if you're short on time, you have a clear list of priorities. Even with a whittled-down list, it can be challenging to ensure you get to everything you want so here's a tip to help you make the most of your next trip.

Schedule your must-haves first

While traveling, unexpected situations are inevitable. Scheduling your must-haves towards the beginning of your trip gives you room to be flexible. If you plan activities on your last few days and something comes up, you may not have time to do them before you head home. Many things can come up. It can suddenly rain. The restaurant might be closed for an event. Or you might not feel well that day. If you plan your must-haves earlier in the trip, you can reschedule to a later day if needed.

Depending on how packed your itinerary is, the latter half of your trip can be more tiring. A side benefit of getting to your must-haves first is that you simply have more energy at the beginning of your trip. Lastly, like how kids eat their favorite foods first, you should do the same with your important activities. Scheduling them at the beginning of your trip ensures you don't go home with any regrets.