How To Visit All MLB Stadiums For Less Than $1,000

Die-hard baseball fans most likely have it on their bucket list to visit every ballpark in the country. This is where the biggest roadblock some in – money.

The fact that $$$ shouldn't deter you from achieving your dreams is easier said than done. On a few occasions, however, it's actually as easy to do it as well.

There are 29 MLB stadiums in the U.S., and one in Canada. A ballpark tour will take a lot of research and meticulous planning.

The most efficient way to complete the tour and only spend about $1,000 is through a combination of bus and train rides, as well as a few flights. Wanderu has broken it down in separate legs, so people can plan to visit the ballparks by region.

The stadiums are scattered across 28 cities, with New York and Chicago being home to two stadiums each. However, as San Francisco and Oakland are extremely close to each other, they are combined into a joint destination, bringing the total number of cities you need to visit to 27.

The majority of the trip is conducted by bus, allowing you to save thousands of dollars on airfare. The prices listed in the graphic represent the average lowest price for a one-way bus, train or plane ticket for each of the featured routes. You should book tickets in advance in order to save as much as possible.