Mature man with backpack standing on mountain against sky during wonderful sunrise
Your Guide To Feeling Safer When Traveling
Create digital or paper copies of important documents like your passport, driver's license, or other IDs, and credit cards. Email yourself a copy of the digital files and waterproof any physical copies you bring with you by putting them inside a plastic bag, protective file folder, or laminating them.
Make Copies of Documents
Most travel scams are easy to avoid. Don't participate in street gambling, don't take things from strangers, and be wary of things that seem too good to be true. If you get into a taxi and their meter is broken, don't go with them.
Be Aware of Travel Scams
Before you depart, contact your bank to let them know your travel plans so they can alert you if sudden charges occur elsewhere. Don't keep your wallet in your back pocket, don’t carry all of your cash with you, and keep some emergency cash hidden in your personal items at the hotel.
Take Care of Your Cash
Adorning yourself with name-brand ensembles looks great for photos, while simultaneously looking good to thieves. Luxury brands thrive on people being able to identify their items at a distance, which makes anyone who wears them in public more likely to be spotted by light-fingered opportunists.
No Flashy Clothes or Jewelry
Sharing your itinerary with someone you trust doesn't mean posting a play-by-play on social media, but make sure to give your flight and hotel info, and a copy of your travel documents to a loved one. Checking in with them while you’re on your trip will also help avoid miscommunication or concern.
Sharing Your Itinerary