There are few places in the world where you can dine with giraffes, but at this hotel, the gentle giants poke their heads right through an open window.
The impressive lodge in Nairobi, Kenya, is on 12 acres of private land surrounded by a giraffe sanctuary where the majestic animals are free to roam naturally.
If you've ever dreamed of living in a library or owning a bookstore, this brilliant hostel in Tokyo, Japan, makes those dreams a cozy yet temporary reality.
Thousands of books surround the reading lounge, where sleeping cubbies can be found between shelves, and black and white comic book pages hang from the ceiling.
Horror lovers will be especially interested in the infamous 13th floor, with a "Ghostbusters" room and tributes to monsters, Hitchcock, Stephen King, and more in the hallway.
From Greek mythology, fairy tales, and classic films to experiencing what it's like sleeping inside a coconut cream pie, The Roxbury has the perfect room for you.
The chances of finding an appealing theme are pretty high. Roxbury's "Wizard of Oz" room is a fan favorite, as well as the superhero suite and faerie forest in the tower cottages.