A public bus in Luxembourg
Top Tips For Navigating Europe's City Bus System From Rick Steves
Using a local city bus to sightsee is easy on the budget but can be daunting. Travel guru Rick Steves shares his advice on getting the most out of Europe's public transportation.
Steves recommends using a public transportation app like Citymapper or Umo Mobility (previously known as NextBus) to navigate Europe's bus and transportation system.
The apps allow users to view and download bus schedules, route maps, and timetables. Most city metropolitan transportation services offer an app as well.
One confusing detail of European modes of public transportation is the validation system, which isn't something we usually have in North America.
On many buses, you will see a machine box attached to a pole where you must validate your paper ticket with a time and date stamp.
Steves suggests following the locals' lead with paper tickets. In many cities, a fare inspection officer can fine you for having an unvalidated ticket.
When using the trams and streetcars in some cities, Steves warns you to look before you exit, as the tram often stops and lets passengers off right into traffic or in a bike lane.