Madison, Wisconsin
The Unexpected Midwest City Travel Pro Samantha Brown Loves
To Visit
In travel expert Samantha Brown's interview with Forbes Travel Guide, she called Madison, Wisconsin, an "untapped" destination, praising its laid-back feel and affordability.
While in the city, Brown discovered some of the area's indigenous heritage, dove mouth-first into its cheesemaking industry, and tried her hand at a favorite local winter sport.
Brown's first stop was at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, where she spoke to the university's director of tribal relations and saw the Native American effigy mounds.
Another must-see in the city is the Unitarian Meeting House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Brown also visited the local Madison Curling Club and Kosa, an Ayurvedic spa.
Brown loved Fromagination, where she got to try some of the best cheeses from the area, and the Wisconsin Supper Clubs, including Tornado Steakhouse.
The Wisconsin Supper Clubs are also great places to pull up a chair, try a Wisconsin Old Fashioned, and indulge a hearty appetite. The state has around 250.