A crime is committed in Washington Park every 5 hours and 43 minutes, and there is a one in 11 chance every day of being assaulted, robbed, or having property stolen.
This Chicago neighborhood sees a lot of gun and gang violence. Shootings take place an average of once every other day, with 1,500 homicides over the past decade.
Avoid public transportation in this neighborhood, as it has been identified as a hot spot for pickpockets. However, walking or biking during the day is considered safe.
According to FBI data, overall crime here is 285% of the national average, and violent crime is 327% of the national average. Juvenile crime is especially rampant.
Robberies, muggings, and assaults happen even during the day and on public sidewalks, according to the ESTA. Travel in groups and avoid handling cash in public when visiting.
This neighborhood has the third-highest crime rate in Illinois, 308% higher than the national average. Crime occurs every six hours and four minutes on average.