Cruise ship in the ocean
Avoid Getting Sick On Your Cruise By Keeping This Phrase In Mind
If you've been on a cruise, you may have noticed workers wielding hand sanitizer and saying, "Washy washy!" or hear campy covers of classic songs remixed to include the phrase.
While on board a cruise, you spend a lot of time close to other people and touching many things they've touched. Keeping your hands clean can easily mitigate some health risks.
As the illness spreading across the Queen Victoria cruise ship has shown, disease outbreaks are extremely common on cruise ships, so workers must remind guests to wash their hands.
The CDC advises washing your hands with soap and water and scrubbing for at least 20 seconds after using handrails, elevator buttons, and door knobs. Hand sanitizer also helps.
While the reminders might annoy some guests, crew members go out of their way to keep guests entertained and laughing while ensuring everyone on board stays healthy.