Otters in Alaska
Avoid Doing These Things As A Tourist Visiting Alaska
Alaska is beloved in part because of its absolute wilderness, but the natural beauty can't be maintained if visitors don't follow the protocols of "leave no trace."
Leave A Trace
When visiting, leave things as they are, don't take things with you from nature, stay on the trail, and do not leave trash or damage the environment.
Contrary to what maps would have you believe, Alaska is huge. Decide on an area of Alaska you would like to see rather than squeezing multiple regions into a week.
Try To See It All
About 19% of the total population of Alaska comprises native people, and if you disengage from such a vast part of the populace, you're missing out on a lot.
Disengage With Culture
Brendan Sainsbury at Lonely Planet suggests visiting the Anchorage Museum or the Alaska State Museum to learn about Alaska Natives. He also says to keep an eye out for totem poles.
Although Alaska is part of the U.S., tourists sometimes assert it is a foreign land. Don't try to exchange your currency or ask people if they speak English.
Forget The Location
In Alaska, the weather can change at the drop of a hat, so know the typical seasonal weather when you're going and pack around that.