A young woman on the deck of a cruising ship watching a small island with white sands and coconut palms.
4 Missteps That Will Get You Left Behind On Your Cruise
You may be hoping to never check your watch while on vacation, but when you're in port, you need to be aware of the time so you don't hold up the ship or be left behind.
Ensure your watch and cell phones are set to "ship time" or the clock that cruise ships run on to keep everyone on the same schedule and make time zone changes easier.
Have transportation secured and know how long it will take to return to the ship. If you set reminder alarms on your phone, you won't have to check the time often.
When booking a private excursion, contact the company to inquire if the tours always start and end on time and if you should account for a potential late return.
Returning Late
You won't have to worry if you book a package through the cruise and your excursion runs a little late. As a ship-sponsored activity, the ship will wait for your group to return.
Be careful of the amount of alcohol you consume while exploring away from your ship. You're risking being late by losing track of time and your health and safety.
Criminal or belligerent behavior or making other passengers uncomfortable may result in being left at the next port to find your own way home.
Crimes And Misdemeanors
Fighting, entering restricted areas, damaging property, and violating safety rules — such as leaning or climbing over railings — will get you a one-way ticket off the ship.
Call the number provided by your ship to tell security where you are and how long it will take you to get back to the ship if you are running late.
If You Know You'll Be Late
Someone from the ship may try to call you or search for you near the port. However, sometimes the worst happens, and you are left behind.
Collect your belongings if they were left for you and locate your port agent for assistance. You may be able to arrange travel to the next port of call through the cruise line.